Standard delivery time usually takes approximately 3 working days, and you also need to count additional time for pick-up and drop-off. If your delivery is international, it may take longer due to customs, harsh weather conditions, and traffic.
242, Greene Street New york, NY 10003
08.00 AM-09.00 PM
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Standard delivery time usually takes approximately 3 working days, and you also need to count additional time for pick-up and drop-off. If your delivery is international, it may take longer due to customs, harsh weather conditions, and traffic.
Courier services are aware of traffic patterns and which routes are the quickest. This ensures that your delivery will make it to its destination on time. In addition, most firms offer expedited service and will ensure that your package is delivered on time.
A fee covering the cost of couriering documents from a shipping party to an agency, transportation provider, or other supply chain partner.
Domestic deliveries arrive in 1-3 business days3 depending on where your package starts and where it's going. Tracking and insurance are included, shipping boxes and envelopes are free
The maximum size for most mailpieces is 108 inches in combined length and girth. WaveLine Cargo Retail Ground pieces may measure up to 130 inches in combined length and girth (but will be charged oversized prices).
For even heavier items, try WaveLine Cargo Ground. The service accepts packages that weigh up to 150 pounds. For very large and heavy items such as furniture, FedEx Freight might save you money on shipping.
Our standard service is delivery by close of business. If you require your package to be delivered sooner, you can opt for Timed-Delivery Services such as a Pre-10:00am and Pre 12:00pm delivery.
What does having a warehouse mean? Warehousing is the process of storing physical goods before they are sold or further distributed. Warehouses safely and securely store products in an organized way to track where items are located.
Overnight shipping is a delivery service that guarantees shipments will be delivered the next day by a certain time. If your shipment is 150 lbs. or less, we offer three different delivery options for overnight delivery.